iSRMS is very useful to the parents to track their child’s activities and performance inside the school. Parents may directly check their child’s attendance, achievements, fee details, school news and child’s result as well. Parents can also see the whole information related to transport including bus details, bus in charge details, driver and conductor details etc. With school management software parents can directly communicate with the teachers, management and principal regarding any complaint, suggestion and issue.
School admins can relax as they can manage every aspect of students, staff and parents anytime, anywhere. The fee management module brings fee dashboard for the school with the information like day’s collection, outstanding fee, and others. It has an integrated online fee payment gateway that is highly beneficial for the school and the parents as it saves considerable time and efforts. The Payroll module processes salaries and generates related reports for the school. It also publishes salary slips online as today everyone demands for it for different purposes. Communication, News, Circulars and SMS facilities equip school admin to communicate instantly. Having the school statistics at the fingertips be it marks, salaries, or fee is a real boon for the school admin.
iSRMS gives teachers peace of mind by providing everything that they need for a smooth functioning of class. Quick access to Exam Result, Fee Payment, Homework, News, Circulars etc. Easy to generate graphs and reports help teachers to analyze student performances in the snap of a finger. The iSRMS mobile app also comes handy when marking attendance, doing Marks Entry, uploading news and circulars.